The Schöneberg Bear

There is something about this homo ursus If you’re visiting Berlin soon and are determined to go hunting, there are some crucial facts you need to know about the rear Berlin bear breed. Legend: 1. Buzz haircut, 1.3 cm. length 2. Trimmed beard; style and length directly correspondent to sexual preferences 3. Armband tattoo, silent homage to porn star idol

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I Don’t Watch Football, But…

My friend Monika has a mission (impossible) this summer: Teach me football, teach me World Cup and other butch  stuff like that. Although I am not an expert in football (yes, dear US readers, it’s football, not soccer, duh!) terms yet, there is certainly no lack of study motivation after I saw the following photo session with some of USA’s

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The winter is over. Bears are awake. I officially announce the beginning of the hunting season. More: imagery: harryhorror, menwithoutclothes, szakall, loveofhair, haikalnoyes, beardslover, carrottop

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As if it hasn’t been hot enough in the heart of Berlin, here come a couple of furry guys to make you company through the rest of the Friday. Chillax, it’s spring! Image courtesy: loveofhair, harryhorror, olafb, fuckyeahmalepits, carrot-top

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We are nerds and… vol. 5

… we keep things under control. Even ourselves. … we like to have it in black and white. … we drop ’em like it’s hot. … we can’t have em all, but we keep on trying. … we always dive head first. … we kiss and tell. … and we enjoy the silence. Image courtesy: wunderschön, fuckyeahfuckinggorgeous, viewonsuperior, iambrainwasher, kiske

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We are nerds and … vol.4

… we are sick of the winter in Berlin. … and everywhere else. … we try to make friends with nature. … we are devoted readers. … we don’t marry just for the tax reductions. … we are anonymously gorgeous. … and we come in pairs. This issue was dedicated to spring, bees and all cherry blossom boys. image courtesy

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Endangered species who need our special attention. 7 +1 every every week starting this Monday. Here is the first set of boys… imagery: lagodilot, loveofhair, thewetsnow, zooted, steve753, baristabenjamin

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We are nerds and… vol.3

…we dedicate this to our one and only -Jake. How about some more? imagery: imnotmorissey, fuckyeahsodomites, funkpunkandroll, cameraobscur4, ihugparkingmeters, queteden, babble, backseatcuddler, gaygamer, fukkkofff

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We are nerds and… vol.2

…we joined the fight club. …we can’t talk about art, but can totally create it. …we ink stupid tattoos when we’re drunk.

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