Back in 2005 I remember coming across Britta Persson’s first music videos “Defrag My Heart” and “You Are Not My Boyfriend”.  It was a time when being a hipster was fresh, YouTube was just emerging, and this new communicative technology allowed for international artists to share their sound and style.  Her thick black rimmed glasses and slight monotone voice set her apart from other international artists.  Initially starting her studies as a visual artist, Persson wasn’t happy with being a painter, but wanted to continue to be creative and found writing music to be a way to express her views and originality.

Born in Sweden, and currently residing in Stockholm, Persson made the start of her career by building up her local fan base, and traveling to Germany, England, and Brazil.  Not our typical Swedish Indie Pop star that we know such as Robyn, Lykke Li, or Vanbot, Persson creates songs that have become heavily orchestrated, make you think, and focus all your attention on lyrics and sound.

With the debut of her third full album, “Current Affair, Medium Rare” expresses Persson’s views on relationships from both personal experiences and fabrication.   The songs reference familiar sounds to those who grew up on indie rock in the early 2000s, channeling Belle and Sebastian and Camera Obscura.  They are songs you want to sit down to, sip tea/coffee with some friends, do a little jitter here an there, write frantic love notes, or just sit in bed and stare at the ceiling.

What sets Persson apart from these other bands is the sounds that she has created, utilizing multiple orchestrated instruments, producing an in-depth sound that sets her apart from many artists we hear today.  So why do I love this album so much, well she peaked my interest the winter of 2011, when it was dark, cold, and I had a slue of relationship problems.  She swept in and made me take a moment to think about it and just stop overanalyzing.  Ironic how a song can do that versus someone in person, but her vocals, tone, and speed of her lyrics have a calming and rational way of communication.  I’m mostly speaking about the song, “Some Girls, Some Boys”, which basically states, “Don’t put expectations on things, and just learn to communicate!”

My by far favorite track on the album would be “Toast To M”, which is more of a celebratory song, toasting to a friend who committed suicide, but looking at the positive side of it all, wishing him and everyone around the best.  The song has a great up beat sound to it, bringing together a vibe of good times and the recognition of beauty to life and being human.

Other tracks not to miss are “Meet A Bear”, “Time Machine”, and “Annoyed To Death”.  Each song speaks of different feelings about life and troubles with love.  Great for those lovely complex times in our life, especially when we can’t relate to someone, but need to express our emotions.

Britta Persson was recently nominated for the 2011 Swedish Grammis for the Best Female Artist, just finished up two small European tours, and has made numerous television appearances.  I think with any future outlooks for Britta, we might see her in an even bigger picture, or maybe hop over to the U.S.A. like many other recent Swedish singers!  Fingers Crossed!!


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