BL33N: Stuff We Love
My relationship with BL33N over a year ago when I stumbled upon a couple shamelessly arousing images online. It continued as a summer fling – intense and carefree. Thus, this wasn’t the end. On a gloomy Wednesday in October I met Donovan and Matthias Vriens-McGrath – the power couple behind the exclusive clothing brand – face to face for the first time. Over coffee and cake, I was persuasive enough to incept them with the idea of moving to Berlin. Six months later Matthias, Donovan and Sontag (a canine cover model) boarded a one-way LAX-TXL flight.
April 2012 Matthias and Donovan started their own BL33N blog, curating stuff they love (some of which you can see after the interview) Their posts were so captivating and provocative that CONTRIBUTED gallery in Berlin requested to unfold their mixed media creativity on the walls of the exhibition space. That’s how the show BL33N: STUFF WE LOVE was born. I stole 5 minutes of Matthias’ time to ask him 5 questions and share the excitement about their upcoming first show in Berlin. It opens this Friday, June 8, at 19.00 Address and further details below.
How have you been in the first months after moving to Berlin?
Perfect! We like the city, the food, the trees, the flowers and the bees.
How did the idea for the first BL33N exhibition develop?
Nadine Barth (from the CONTRIBUTED gallery) got in touch with us and told us she adored the blog and wanted to see it in show form. We thought it was a great idea and complied.
What is the concept, what can the Berlin art scene expect at the exhibition?
The idea is to extend the blog to a gallery shape, where anonymous web photography meets ours and a group of invited friends.
Why did you choose not to organize solo shows?
It’s fun to share…?
The exhibition is going to close during Fashion Week in July – what are the plans for closing night?
Extreme couture.
BL33N: stuff we love
June 8, 19.00
Studio for the Arts
Strausberger Platz 16
10243 Berlin
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One Comment
I think it’s sexy!