This was a tough one. 2 days in a roll I’ve been nipping, tucking, editing, choosing music, converting, recycling and extracting. It was a rough ride, but I enjoyed every single step of it. What I’m talking about here is the video interview with Gerry Visco – devoted horny nerds don’t need further introduction.

For the wannabes: Geraldine Winfried Visco is writer with more than 150 articles in last 3 years; performer, photographer, and radio show host on WKCR FM; she regularly covers parties, events, and the arts for New York Press in a weekly column. But most of all she is the most fabulous celebutante, fashionista and a true diva I had the chance to meet (just online till now). Ever.

Her immense energy and creative power cannot be tamed (unlike Miley Cyrus). That’s why maybe it took me so long to nip/tuck the interview with her and produce 3 episodes. We sat one Sunday in front of our laptops and had a chat on skype. I won’t tease you, here come all 3 parts:

“Berlin, NYC and Timing” in which Gerry gives you the most precious advice you will ever get.

“Photography an (wo)Men” – Gerry explains why we should keep ALL our options opened.

“Bold And The Beautiful” – some may call it trash-talking, but they won’t watch anyway. Gerry is just being sincere about the New York celebrity scene. And about true beauty.

This entry should’ve been published yesterday – because yesterday was also Gerry’s birthday. Happy birthday on crooks, Gerry (as they say in Bulgaria when you haven’t made it with the video  editing in one day).


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