This Friday Berlin’s dance and disco temple TAPE will turn to a gallery for just one night, yet again. Many claim that the show has been called Tape Modern to confuse tourists and make them believe it has anything to do with the Tate Modern in London, but as much as I appreciate and love Tate, Tape Modern has a different yet somewhat familiar feeling. It’s like speed dating with art. And then u can continue mingling in the club after 2300.

Grateful Grapefruit presents a hand-picked creme de la creme of the artists featured in Peep Show – the title of this Tape Modern edition. They will be Filling In 4-question-interviews today and tomorrow.

Peep Show will showcase works by artists that engage with erotic or voyeuristic themes. These artworks manifest themselves in many different media and reflect the extreme visual environment we now live in. There are thousands of sexual images only a mouse “click“ away on the internet. This visual source allows us to anonymously  enter  into worlds without physically participating in them. In a very similar way the  „PeepShow“ boxes in forner times played a comparable role. We tend to associate these sidewalk shows with something naughty or forbidden triggering a playful response which is reflected in the artworks themselves.

RSVP to the event on Facebook.

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