“The house of horny nerds is a home to creative ideas, art inspirations and arousing aesthetics.”

Well hello there. It’s been a while. Change needed a bit more time than expected But let me first give you a little background and tell you how we got here. And besides, of course I am nervous – it’s hard not to be nervous in such situations. I hope my pit stains are not visible online.

It’s been more than 2 years since I started Grateful Grapefruit. This was back in the autumn of 2009. I was kind of bored and since Vogue said my knees are too fat for them and Frieze didn’t reply to my emails I decided to create my own space of expression. It all started in German. And it all started more like a fail than a win. I had the idea of curating a magazine-like blog space that evolved around a color or a theme. Groundbreaking. Grateful Grapefruit was bound to fail. The timeline design was pretty awesome for its time, but the audience (yes, you) didn’t really get it. Also, trying to make it on the German blog market was like trying to sell rice to China.

Grateful Grapefruit needed change. At the same time when I realized, that what I did sucked, I visited Transmediale 2010. It was there when I met the amazing F.A.T. crew who were just presenting their Google Car project and caused a commotion in the media with their provoking Google bashing projects. The inspiring Evan Roth let me borrow the WordPress theme built especially for the F.A.T. lab site. I didn’t even tweak it that much back then. However, people seemed to like it and the reminiscence to an old-fashioned printed zine gave me the reason to call Grateful Grapefruit zine for horny nerds.

Thus, I always get bored really easily and as soon as the mud settled, I felt like there was nothing happening around the blog. That’s when I decided I will cooperate with other people who want to contribute as editorial staff. Sean joined as music editor and reviewer and Joe started to share his favorite Berlin bohemian tips on recipes, places and cocktails. I concentrated on covering art and fashion.

And there I was again, bored to death with the design – again. Maybe I have ADD. Here we are, a call for designers and 3 months later, with the new face of Grateful Grapefruit. I want to use this opportunity to thank the talented Jens Ludewig for his amazing work and devotion to creating Grateful Grapefruit’s new corporate design including logo and web. The investment is worth it, isn’t it?

Now, let’s talk content again. With the relaunch, my closest friend in Berlin, Pino, joins the team to share with you his love for traveling. He’s the second contributor to OFFLINE – a new category offering hand-picked leisure choices. Per Joannesson joins the team with life-saving advices in Blown In a Gentle Wind – a perhaps better style guide. And I will continue headlining Art and Fashion. In PRINTED MATTER I will present magazines and zines I stumble upon, trying to find out what drives people to still be so keen on print. A blogger Fill-In survey is also in the works. Oh, and we have a special place for your horny needs now, too.

Thank you all for the support, guidance, advice and for believing in Grateful Grapefruit and coming back here. Share Grateful Grapefruit with your horny friends and nerdy rivals. I’d also like to hear what you think – send me your feedback using the button on the right.

Christo Mitov
Creative Director, Grateful Grapefruit

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