Don’t you ever dare tell me I’m not keeping my promises! I gave you my word you’ll read an interview with the dynamic fuzzy duo from Down Under and now I’m putting my words into action.

Fighitng for homo’s attention and trying to battle opponents like Gaga and Madonna, Garçon Garçon seem to have the perfect solution – Right on the pulse of time and following trends of masculinity development, the music duo knows the perfect ingredients for producing a successful EP – smooth male vocals, 80′s sound, catchy rhythms, facial and chest hair.

Garçon Garçon are Nathan Mahon (Vocals/Guitar) and Nick Tsirimokos (Synths/Programming) an electro-pop duo from Kings Cross, Sydney. Combining new wave synths with a unique ’80s feeel and a dash of blatant pop, Garçon Garçon write intelligent songs with catchy hooks.

Right before they joined the celebrations of Mardi Gras in Sydney, with a 10 hour difference between us, I had a chat with Nick and Nathan about their strategy to expand as a power pop duo, the future of the industry, and masculinity. Listen to their EP at the bottom of the article.

Hey guys, what have you been up to lately?

NICK: We have been super busy! I don’t think we have had time to even stop and scratch ourselves.  Last week we began live show rehearsals with our band which is really exciting for us – Its really only ever been Nathan and I so it was pretty amazing to hear the full EP with banging guitar and additional backing vocals.  We have a string of gigs during and around Sydney MardiGras – Rdio Launch Party, Belvedere Vodka and DNA party, and then the Official Mardi Gras Laneway party… so its really all systems go – its exciting, we thrive on keeping ourselves busy.

Other than that, we are putting together some remixes for our next single as well as being in discussions with directors for our next music video.  We are pretty pumped about everything in the pipeline, and now that our EP is out, we can free ourselves up to work on all of these additional elements that we really have wanted to put more time into.  Things are good!

There was a long period of time between the demos hitting the web and the EP coming out, what took you so long?

NICK: Well, most people don’t know it but Nathan and I both work full time jobs! Garçon Garcon started out as a fun side project, so when things started happening for us, it was a real surprise! We didn’t really have the luxury of sitting in a studio every day being creative so it was really a long process for us.  EP kind of became our weekend baby – so yeah, it definitely took a while, but then I guess thats also a good thing – we really had the luxury of making sure we were really happy with all aspects of the EP before its release.  Hopefully we will be working with a label for our album and things will start happening a lot faster!  Sorry we took so long – it pained us too!

NATHAN: Yeah, it was a long process. Much longer than either of us ever anticipated, sorry everyone!! Hahaha! We didn’t want to cut any corners and make sure when EP was out we could sit back and say we were 100% happy with it. We felt pressure to hurry up, everyone was waiting!! But we wanted it to be perfect. If we had spent this long, there was no point in rushing a few weeks or a month just to get it out early. We’re both really happy with it and very proud of EP so it was worth the wait I think

Who do you dedicate your debut to?

NICK: The unpopular kids at school – I think you’re awesome.

NATHAN: I like that! I will back Nick up on that one

Whom do you want to work with? Who inspires you?

NICK:  I would really like to work with FM Belfast or The Knife – both really talented acts marching to their own beat – A one of a kind originality.  I guess I find inspiration in really good song writing, regardless of production…artists like Sigur Ros, The Drums, Fever Ray, Bjork – they are all inspirational and have certainly left some kind of mark in the way I approach my song writing.

NATHAN: There are so many people I would love to work with! I’d love to write and collaborate with Robyn, Santigold, Karen O.. The list could go on and on! I’m very inspired by artists like: Bjork, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, early U2, Interpol and thousands of others. This is always a hard question because the answer will change depending on the day, my mood.

Are you working on an entire album?

NICK: Yes, definitely.  The main focus for us right now though is to tour and get out and about a bit more. The new songs will come – there are already some in the pipeline which is pretty exciting.

NATHAN: I’m really excited to work on new music and can’t wait to get started on the album. I’m curious to see where our sound goes next!

Do you think the industry will continue to make profit on music sales?

NICK: Good question! Unless you are a major act, I wouldn’t be banking on huge profits from music sales, but there are definitely other areas like touring, merchandise, and sync opportunities that can assist with making money.  Its pretty important too, because the smaller guys rely on that money to continue doing what they are doing.  Hey, touring is fun though so I’m not complaining!

NATHAN: I think the industry is changing all the time. It seems easier for people like us to get our music out there to the world and reach people using the internet but it’s much harder to make a living from selling music in the age of downloading. We’re all guilty of it, but I have really started to buy more music as I am learning how much effort and cost is involved!! I want to support the artists I love to make sure they can keep making music

What about concerts? Aren’t they more profitable?

NICK: Definitely – Now if we could just sell out Madison Square Garden we could make our next 5 albums… ha!

NATHAN: Ha! One day I hope.

What are your tour plans? Any gigs in Europe?

NICK: Europe is in the pipeline – we are discussing plans for it right now. We are really excited and should have some dates released in the next month or so. Bring on Berlin!!!

You should come to Berlin, I’ll help you organize it.

NICK: Now THAT sounds like a plan! I hear Berlin is full of amazing musicians! maybe we should record some music there.

NATHAN: I LOVE Berlin. I went there in the summer once when I lived in London and I had the most amazing week. Let’s make it happen!!

How did you two meet?

NICK: We met through mutual friends and had no idea each other did music. We were chatting on Facebook one day and discovered that we were both closeted musicians, so I think it just grew from there. We met up for a really polite jam session at my house and Nathan played me two songs he had written on guitar.  I added some of my own flavor and all of a sudden things just started to happen – it was definitely a good feeling.

Have you hooked up before you started making music?

NICK: Haha. Nice try. NO.

NATHAN: God no…. hahahaha! Nick is like my brother so that would be weird. Or like that that Brazilian movie where the brothers fall in love… No. No hook up for us!

Let’s talk about masculinity – have you guys always been sporting a beard and showing off your chest hair?

NICK: I have had a beard since I was about 22, only because I look SO young without it… I really can’t handle not having my beard. Recently, I had an accident shaving and had to shave it all off! I was so distraught that I kept my mustache and walked around with a big 70s porno mustache for about a week.  I’m Greek, so lucky for me it grew back pretty quickly!  As for chest hair, I don’t make an effort to show it off – in fact, sometimes I clipper it! I think it depends on my mood… haha.

NATHAN: I am much more comfortable with my fur now than ever before. When I was in my early 20’s I think I used to worry about how hairy I was getting as most other guys I knew were all smooth or clipped down. Once I moved to London and NYC and saw how relaxed and natural everyone was about body/facial hair I just kind of embraced it so that’s why I feel like I can show it off a little more now. I’m proud of my fur

What do you think of the beard trend right now – spread among both heteros and homos?

NICK: It needs to be the natural look, a manicured beard can sometimes look tacky, but nice rugged facial hair can only look HOT (yeah, mines pretty manicured hey, but I’m trying to change it!).  I tend to like the whole surfer hair/unshaven beard look – I think that works for both the gays and the straights.  Less is more – thats my rule.

NATHAN: I love it. I hope it’s a trend that continues

Have you ever done drag? What are your characters?

NICK: I have never done drag, ever! But if I did I would be “Bitch Pudding”.

NATHAN: Nope, I haven’t either but I have though about what my drag name would be if I ever did… Nick totally wins with ‘Bitch Pudding’ though. How can you top that??

How’s your love life developing after people started recognizing you more and more?

NICK: I’m a single man! We have been very busy, so it kind of makes sense to me. I don’t think we are as popular in Australia as we are in other countries, we don’t really get recognized very often.  Maybe I need to move to Europe and develop my love life?! I like my European men!

NATHAN: We don’t get recognised that often but a really hot British guy stopped me in the street in Sydney last year and asked if I was from Garcon Garcon. I almost fell over! I think I blushed and ran away… Mental note – get phone number next time!


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