
It’s a well-known fact that Grateful Grapefruit never seized to surprise with show-stopping trends – mostly hand-picked finds by our skillful fashion editorial staff. It’s a heavy cross to bear, but also an exciting quest to embark on. True to our adventurous spirit and hardcore fashionista beliefs, here comes the latest necessity for Summer 2013 and it is NOT a perfect body.


It’s rare that China produces in stead of reproduces a trend – The face-kini is the latest fashion must have coming right from the beaches of Qingdao in Eastern China’s Shandong province. It’s daring fashion statement and a mysterious provocation as well as the perfect addition to your full-body swim suit. If you’re obsessed with preserving your fair hued skin or preventing it from aging faster or if you’re an Asian woman who thinks that it’s shameful to have darker tan “like peasants” then the face-kini is definitely the item to sport this summer. More than anything, the face-kini is fun – they come in fun yet a bit boring neon bright colors. Wearing the face-kini is also the perfect way to extend your protest in support of Pussy Riot on the beach – and prove your revolutionary devotion.

You can order your pair for 15 to 25 yuan or $2.40 to $4.00 – or if you want a unique touch just DIY your swimming balaklava at home.

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Images: source

One Comment

  1. Adam

    You should check out the work of Lucy Hutchinson, a current Fine Arts graduate who made a series of contemporary face-kini’s decorated with hand drawn patterns depicting Chinese market places. http://www.therhumboogie.com/post/52161521153

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